
Spiritual Direction

Our true identities and destinies are found in our loving union with God. We are God’s beloveds. He has made us by love, for love and to love. Spiritual Direction is a relationship of trust, understanding and accompaniment. Director and Directee rely upon the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit to listen deeply to the interior life and heart, discern God’s ongoing work, and respond to Him with greater openness, love and faithfulness. Please reach out to me today for conversation about your interest in pursuing spiritual direction.

Spiritual Formation Offering

One of the great gifts and necessities of the spiritual life is Community. Sharing a spiritual formation experience with others brings the rich graces of mutual support and understanding, accountability, and the growth in humility and charity that comes through a Godward vulnerability. Please contact me today if you are seeking a formation facilitator and formation offering for your parish, organization, school or group. I welcome the opportunity to explore the possibilities and discern together God’s invitation.

Spiritual Retreat

There is great benefit to the spiritual life to periodically withdraw from the demands, noise or distractions of the world to a place and pace that affords greater spiritual recollection, an open heart and greater presence to self and God. Reach out to me today if you would like discuss your upcoming retreat and desire for an experienced spiritual formator and retreat leader.

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