The Cross Walk: Self-Sacrifice, Part 5
Why is it such a struggle to give up my will and willfulness? How can the life of Jesus in me, assist me in being completely united to the will of the Father?
The Cross Walk: Self-Sacrifice Part 4
How do you grow in your capacity to self-sacrifice for the sake of love of God and love of neighbor?
The Cross Walk: Self-Sacrifice, Part 1
How would you describe self-sacrifice? What is the role self-sacrifice plays in authentic discipleship as a follower of Jesus? What makes self-sacrifice challenging?
The Cross Walk Part 9: Virtues that Enable Self-Denial Part B
What is your immediate reaction to embracing Poverty as a way of being coformed to Jesus? What’s your reaction about? What are you being invited to explore with greater openness, trust or obedience? What transformation could be waiting for you?
The Cross Walk Part 8: Virtues that Enable Self-Denial Part A
What examples of Faith and Humility to you see lived out by Jesus? What does Faith mean to you? How would you describe Humility? Let’s explore how Faith and Humility enable us to follow Jesus in Self-Denial.
The Cross Walk: Self-Denial Part 7
How many times in a given day to you think about yourself? This question in itself causes us to focus on self. Our woundedness from sin and our culture make resisting the gravitational pull of self-centeredness and narcissism a great challenge. What helps you to turn from self and turn to God and neighbor?
The Cross Walk: Self-Denial Part 6
What daily, spiritual practices do you draw upon and commit to that help you to become more like Jesus Christ and to grow spiritually? What helps you sustain these daily disciplines? What are the obstacles you face in trying to remain faithful to them?
The Cross Walk: Self-Denial Part 5
How do you ensure you have a right ordered relationship with attachments? How do you discern if an attachment is enabling or hindering your relationship with God?
The Cross Walk: Self-Denial Part 4
What would be your top three words of advice to your younger self? Let’s explore the advice Jesus offers to a rich, young man in Mark’s Gospel.
The Cross Walk: Self-Denial Part 3
Self-Denial invites us to consider our attachments. What are the people, places or things you are most attached to? What is your relationships to that which gives you a sense of identity, purpose, worth or security? Let’s talk “Attachments”.
The Cross Walk: Self-Denial Part 2
Who stands out for you as a great role model of Self-Denial? What does that look like in her or his life? Do you find yourself inspired, discouraged or both as you reflect on this role model - what’s that about?
The Cross Walk: Self-Denial - Part 1
How do you find yourself responding to the phrase “Self-denial”? In what ways do you find “denying yourself” challenging? When you have denied yourself, what enabled you to do so? What spiritual impact did you experience as a result?
The Centrality the Cross
What role does Jesus’ Cross play in your spiritual life? How does it serve as a model for your discipleship? We’ll be exploring the centrality of the Cross in the Life, Liturgy and Saints of the Church.
Jesus’ Cross Walk
What do you feel God’s is inviting you to during this season of Lent? Like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, let’s take a walk and reflect together.